With our packages, you're saving an average of 25%, compared to when booking experiences and transfers separately. If you have selected a package, please check the description to see which experiences are already included. You have the option to add additional experiences when completing the booking, if you wish to do so!
The package includes different experiences depending on the season. Please check the itinerary to see what's included in the Autumn, Winter & Spring. During seasonal changes, such as in late Autumn and early Winter, we may offer a combination of Autumn and Winter experiences, depending on the weather.
High-class accommodation in a cozy Aurora Cabin, whose glass roof provides an expansive view of the space above you, dog sled and reindeer rides, snowshoe expeditions into the magnificent wintery forests and fells. Delicious food prepared from only the purest ingredients of Lapland served by a warming fire and in a comfortable restaurant.
This trip provides you with the opportunity to experience all the greatest displays of the wintery nature of Lapland and the most enjoyable activities in a unique, first-class setting. The entire program has been crafted with skill and passion so that you can enjoy the unforgettable experiences with all of your senses, without sacrificing comfort.
Looking to stay more nights than those included in the package?
Make your package booking first and then make another booking for accommodation and meals.
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Contact our sales team:
We'll be happy to help you plan your vacation!